Future tense

FREE DOWNLOAD: "Dive Into My Soul" 8x10 digital print by Lindsey Turner.

It's a new year and allegedly a new decade. Twenty twenty sounds super futuristic, doesn't it? Twenty years ago I was gearing up to graduate high school, unsure of what the future would hold. Now I eat two fiber cookies every day at the request of my doctor.

Life's a wild ride, you know?

In twenty years, I've walked a long and winding path and, while I'm in a physically different location, I'm still sort of in the same spot emotionally: What am I doing with my life? What do I want to do with my time, my energy, my heart?

The difference between now and then is that I realize how quickly it all goes, and how your life can evaporate before your eyes when you're spending your days doing things you'd rather not be doing. I've spent a lot of time doing things I'd rather not be doing, but mostly because I haven't really been willing to admit that there's only one thing I want to do: Make art and tell stories.

I've never allowed myself to believe making art could be anything other than a side hustle — something done at night when the house is quiet and everyone else is asleep. Certainly not something done during business hours on a Monday. I'm not a trained artist; I went to a state liberal arts school; everyone else is so amazing and I'm just meh; I can't fucking draw hands; I don't know how to market myself; blah blah blah. That mouthy devil on my shoulder is prolific.

But as I round the bases to 40 and I look back on a youth spent trying to climb a career ladder that, ultimately, led to nowhere (thanks, corporate media!), I have to remind myself: I have to try to do what I love. The other stuff doesn't matter.

So my intention is that 2020 will be a year spent in service of my dream. The first order of business will be putting clearer shape to the dream. I like to make lots of different things in lots of different styles, so how do I figure out which niche to spend the bulk of my time cultivating? How do I find the sweet spot that joins my joy and interests with actual long-term commercial viability? Because I want what I make to become more than my side hustle. I want it to be my hustle. I want to make relatable art that creative, bookish, funny, witty people see and think, "Oh shit, I need that."

So what's next for Eyedot Creative?

• I'm taking some online and IRL courses about starting a business.

• I'm getting mentorship from real-life and online folks whose input has already been eye-opening and inspiring.

• I'm learning and growing and being intentional about my path every day. That includes artistically — building skill and style — but also in the realm of marketing, accounting, planning, and running an actual business.

• I'm planning a shop overhaul and some new types of products.

• I'm working on setting up a Patreon creator account where I'll share exclusive products with my supporters.

• I'm figuring out what Eyedot Creative means going forward. Up to this point it has meant "whatever random thing I want to make that any number of random people may or may not be interested in" but in the wise words of some marketing genius, "if you're talking to everyone, you're talking to no one." Who do I want to talk to? How do I make what I want to make but find the people who care about that and grow that little garden into something big and lush?

It's new and scary and honestly exhausting (because I still have a full-time job and a kid and a dog and a life) but I've said it again and again and it rings as true today as it ever did: Creating is the only thing I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember.

In 2020, I make a path to make that my career.

To those of you who have been beside me as I've ambled along on this journey, thank you. Your love and support keeps me going. Your likes and shares help me grow my audience, as well as my confidence that this is the right path for me. I appreciate you.

I'm excited about what's to come. I hope you'll stick around for the ride.


Welcome to the new eyedotcreative.com!


Have you been naughty or nice? I don't care; I have gifs for you all!